Monday, June 15, 2009

The great struggle for the world Democracy.

Dear My Fellows,

As all of you know, Aung San Suu Kyi is regarded as one of the world greatest democratic fighters in our history. Today Aung San Suu Kyi is confined at her house in Rangoon and seems like she will never be independent again.

My fellows, all of us were born in several years ago and will die in next several years. Lives are too short when compared them to the very long period of human civilizations.

My fellows, we had passed our distant term of the history. We are here to continue it, not to shut. We had learned from brutal experiences of dictators along our history. That is why we tried to establish the better system which is today called Democracy and it is regarded as the best way of now to reaffirm that the quote “All men are created equal” still remains in our society.

However, some of our global citizens are still under dark shadows of absolute military dictators. They do have their democratic leaders and they had elected them already on 27 May 1990. But the dictatorship erased all of the Burmese desires. They had destroyed the root of the democracy and oppressed all of us around the world to fight for the real freedom of a man.

My fellows, whether we are not concerned about the freedom of our friends; whether we do not realize the starvation and the sufferings which our friends have gained for more than 18 years; whether we do not fight on this struggle, how could we stand and call ourselves the men of the modern civilization? My fellows, how could we?

Aung San Suu Kyi, today, stands at the front of this fighting. She has been standing here for many years, earlier than most of us. Her ideology remains as the highest hope of the Burmese citizens. We shall not leave that ideology as the impossible dream. It was created strongly and bravely. It must be established.

As I stated, lives are too short when compared to the age of the civilization, but they are the most important parts of it. Whether we devote our time, our labor and our consideration to the Burmese, do everything we can, fight in every way that is possible to shut the dictatorship and return the freedom to our poor friends, things will be better.

We must stand up, realize the situation and do something.

Best Regards,

Winn Laedpriwan
30th May 2009
Bangkok, Thailand

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Begging for Peace!!! Just Make a Comment

I Beg Jews, American and World People : Please Stop Killing The Hamas.

I do need alliances. Please make a comment in this article to show our powers that we want The World peace.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Tragedy – The Santika Pub, Bangkok

Rescuers and police officers placed the victims' bodies in rows in the parking lot in front of the nightclub today. Other bodies are believed to still be in the club, which was packed with about 1,000 celebrants, according to police officers (AFP)

I used to go there, Santika, one of the most famous pubs in Aekamai Road, Bkk. It was established in 2003 and 31-Dec-08 is the last day of its business because of the land rental contact is expired!!!

The Tragedy happened when one of the visitors bring the fireworks and set it on fire on the midnight of New Year. So the club was on fire. Unfortunately, most people didn’t realize that there is a door on the back of the club. So, they tried to get out of it via the front doors. Stepping on each other, choking the smoke and lacking of oxygen killed 59 people and hurt 200 of them (1 of them is the victim from Singapore).

Polices and Rescuers tried their best in order to help the baits but there is still a big toll.

All Thais could do now is to find some ways to help the families of the victims, prosecute the management and owner of the club and improved the standard facilities of all clubs in this country. Never let victims died for Free.

RIP to them all.


Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Begging for peace, as new year gift.


1. Obama, please move the army out of Iraq. She is their home not American backyard.

2. Putin, please stop making any war to any other countries. Georgians and all people in this planet are so disappointed to the Russian acts.

3. Ahmadinejad, please be the leader who bring peaces to the earth; not a war.

4. Thaksin Sinnawatr and PADs, please stop doing any that make Thai people spit up.

5. Terrerists, let Mumbai be the end of your mission.

6. World people, please realize that now the earth is getting warm. We’d better take more care to the nature.

7. If there is a god above, I wish him to give us a peace. Please bless all of us.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thaksin : Oops!!!; And His Disappointed Christmas Eve.

Thaksin Shinawatr’s situation now seems to be worse since Abhisit Vejjachiva, the leader of Democrat Party, one of his main opponents, had been voted to be the prime minister of Thailand by the congress.

The power had been changed from People Power Party (PPP), which is called as Thaksin’s nominee party to The Democrat Party which is leaded by Abhisit. The reason of it is that one of his old henchman, the former representative, Navin Chidchob, decided to move his friend representatives from supporting PPP to promote Abhisit to be the prime minister of Thailand under the name “Navin Friend Group”, after that other parties which used to join PPP cabinet also moved to cheer Abhisit just after Navin friends .

Thaksin had phoned-in to his supporting mob, “The Red Shirt People”, that Navin and his friends betrayed him and also people who had voted for them.

In the other side, Navin, had talked via the news that what he had done are all “For this country.”

One of Navin’s friends had told the reporter that the last word that Navin said to his old boss, Thaksin, is “Now, it comes to the end, Master”. After that for a week, Navin Friend Group voted for Abhisit to be the prime minister of Thailand.

Anyway, now the power is staying with Democrat side and this time may be the most crisis time for Thaksin to get back home. Thai government had recently cancelled Thaksin’s Passport, so that it is a problem for him to go to any places around the world.

Some Thais believe that the bad time has just begun!!!

Also, the Red Shirt People, are now worried whether their beloved, Thaksin, can’t sleep well in this Christmas Eve.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oppotunity for Obama(rk)??

Thailand politics may had been to its climax when People Power Party (PPP), which had been called as Thaksin nominees' Party, the leader party of Thailand had been closed by the constitution court. After the end of PPP, its representatives had move to the reserved Party named "Pheu Thai Party". However, things seem not go as their purpose due to the effort of Democrate Party of Thailand, the leader of the opposition, which try to collect the representatives in order to fight to found their cabinet.

From that attempt, it's now effect somethings, Democrate, Today (Dec 7th, 08) annouced on TV at Sukhothai Hotel that they are now able to be the government since they had collect the number of representatives over a half which are included its representatives, the representatives from PPP old alliance parties and some of PPP representatives who disagree with PPP's way.

Now, people, here, in thailand, are having a question; is this the oppotunity of Abhisit, the leader of Democrate, to be the prime minister of Thailand?

More Info: Abhisit's nickname is "Mark", some people called him "Obamark" because he is the leader of the same name party called democrate ,which is the party of sen.Barack Obama, and when democrate had won the election after 8 years of losing. Democrate in Thailand, may win after about 8 years of losing also. wow


Thailand is now openned after the Leaders of the PADs (People Alliance for Democracy) announced that they will let the logistic plans taking off within tonight !! so that the merchadises that will be exported from Thailand and also imported from outbounds are, now, moving again.

Also AOT (Airport of Thailand) Management said that the travellers will be able to use the plans within 5 December 2008 after checking for the security. Moreover, PADs also moved out of the government house today. All pads rallies are now stopped.

And Thailand could smile again just as a smiling moon last night. :D